Where will it be?
October hall, UA Kyiv / October 26, 2019 09:00
Don't miss to meet Symfony community from the CIS area. We are saying Welcome for all developers to meet each other to share experience!
October hall, UA Kyiv / October 26, 2019 09:00
Don't miss to meet Symfony community from the CIS area. We are saying Welcome for all developers to meet each other to share experience!
Passionate about Symfony and DX. Trainer, Developer and Community evangelist at Oro inc. SensioLabs Certified Symfony 3 Developer.
Migration to Symfony 4 LTS. (ru)
Symfony regular release gets support only for six months which is far from ideal for such a big project like OroCommerce. That being the case, Long Term Support releases come to the rescue. Symfony deprecation policy is highly straightforward, and we love how easy the upgrade of all the essentials is. But when you want to go forward, the major version upgrade is not only about the changed directory structure and renaming things. In this talk, I would like to review all the optional but crucial steps that everyone must consider when upgrading to Symfony 4 LTS, and discuss the most common pitfalls that ORO team has encountered during the upgrade.
Tech Lead of Upwork Enterprise Symfony lover. Blockchain enthusiast Decade of PHP development, 6 years of Symfony experience Created a lot of different applications - online mmorpg, tds, e-commerce platforms, blockchain apps, applications for enterprise
Symfony на AWS Elastic Beanstalk (ru)
Я расскажу как легко и быстро поднять Symfony микросервисы на AWS, как внедрить контейнер в остальную AWS инфраструктуру. Советы и рекомендации работают как с докером, так и с чистой Symfony.
Team Lead for Symfony teams with a large experience as international speaker. Evangelist for sulu.io and agile Enthusiast
Sulu 2.0 (en)
sulu.io 2.0 - A CMS Framework for Symfony 4.x Content Management build with Symfony close as possible? Use concepts and standard bundles you use every day? Clean separation of configuration and content? Use anything you want as frontend? Then sulu.io is probably the tool you are looking for! In this talk I will give an impression about the capabilities of the content management system. What you should use it for and what not to do. Now in version 2.0 with a Back office fully rebuild with React JS. Easily change it with XML configuration and add bring your own entities from any source!
Tobias is an open source enthusiast and has spent many years trying to bring something good to the community. He is a Symfony core team member, co-host of the Sound of Symfony podcast, organizer of Swedish PHP meetups. He maintains projects like httplug.io, guzzle, buzz, php-geocoder, KnpGithub API client, Maingun API client, LinkedIn API client, Neo4j bundle, Puli, Assert and many more. He is also involved with the PHP-FIG by writing a PSR for HTTP clients.
Knowing your state machines (en)
Web development is not just about delivering a response. It is also about writing good code. The state pattern will help you move complexity from being all over your code to one or more state machines. This talk will introduce state machines, show how to identify uses of them and implement them in your Symfony application in an object oriented manner using the Symfony Workflow component.
Asmir Mustafic is software developer with more that 15 years of experience in building PHP applications. Passionate opensource contributor, maintaining popular projects as jms/serializer, masterminds/html5 and goetas-webservices/xsd2php. Symfony addicted, interested in web technologies and DevOps best practices.
Great APIs with Symfony and Open Source Software (en)
Nowadays offering a REST API has become a must for most of the businesses. Offering a good documentation, validating properly the requests, having descriptive error messages, supporting multiple versions, retrieving data, persisting data, handling rate limitations and many other things can be not an easy task. This talk is a walk-through on how to build a rich, RESTful (Level 3 including HATEOAS) API for web applications using Symfony-related components and bundles. The result will be a standard, documented, validated and easy to maintain API, that users will enjoy and developers love to build.
A great fan of Symfony, with over 3 years experience in Symfony based applications development, constantly keeping abreast of new technologies. Actively evolving as a speaker at local meetups. A specialist in the implementation of complex and interesting solutions for the B2B commerce market.
Построение мультисайтового приложения на Symfony (ru)
Многие компании управляют многонациональными брендами, которые работают в разных странах, c разными валютами и налоговыми правилами. В этом случае, бизнесу необходимо приложение, способное работать с учетом этих особенностей. Один из возможных вариантов решения задачи - создать копии приложения (код + конфигурация + база данных) для всех возможных комбинаций различных бизнес требований, например витрины онлайн магазинов для разных стран или различных категорий пользователей (B2B, B2C). Однако такой способ, может несети значительный оверхед по времени на управление и конфигурирование полностью независимых веб приложений. Кроме того, задача может усложнится дополнительными бизнес требованиями, например поддержкой возможности пользователей логинится на разных вебсайтах, отображение одинаковых товаров, категорий, сезонных скидок, для одного набора вебсайтов, и скрытие для другого. В этом докладе будет рассмотрена архитектура ecommerce приложения на базе Symfony, где мультисайтовость поддерживаемся на одном установленном приложении с одной базой данных, также будут указаны основные проблемы переиспользования и разграничения видимости данных, конфигурациии, сессий и локализаций, и возможные пути их решения.
Symfony without the framework bundle (en)
You may have heard people saying that ”Frameworks are bad” or ”Symfony is slow”. It is time to investigate why those people are saying that. We want to see if they are really smart or just stuck in the past. This talk will go over performance to see what you can do to make an application run faster. (There are no quick fixes) We will also see how we can build applications that responds in less that 15ms and then work towards even faster than that. note: I will build specific case applications with Symfony components. I'll just my custom kernel and no framework bundle. My message is: Symfony is a community and it is *you* that create the magic and selects how many files/features you want to include.
Saturday, October 26th | |
09:00 - 10:30 |
10:30 - 10:45 |
Open words
10:45 - 11:30 |
Symfony without the framework bundle
11:35 - 12:20 |
Migration to Symfony 4 LTS.
12:20 - 14:20 |
14:20 - 15:05 |
Symfony на AWS Elastic Beanstalk
15:10 - 15:55 |
Sulu 2.0
16:00 - 16:45 |
Great APIs with Symfony and Open Source Software
16:45 - 17:15 |
Coffee Break
17:15 - 18:00 |
Knowing your state machines
18:05 - 18:50 |
Построение мультисайтового приложения на Symfony
18:50 - 19:00 |
Closing words & Gift time
20:00 - 23:00 |
Antonio is CEO at Locastic, a development agency based in Croatia. For the last 10 years he has been developing web applications, and for more then 5 years he's been using Symfony2 as his main tool. During that time, he helped a lot of various clients to build amazing products and applications. In his free time he is working on a PhD in Computer Science and contributing to Sylius (one of the awesome contributors and evangelists of Sylius). Very proud of the integration of eZ Publish and Sylius that he worked on.
Maintainable + Extensible = Clean ... yes, Code! (en)
Clean code is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it... It is essential that the codes we write should be able to be understood by all. This talk will give you introduction to the principles how to write clean code that is maintainable and extensible on long terms.
Symfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. The primary conference theme is the Symfony framework. The conference is targeted at both professional web developers and beginners, as well as heads of Internet projects, web studios which are already using or are only planning to use Symfony framework. The main aim of the conference consists the exchange of experience, communication, and new contacts.
watch videoLovely people at @symfonycampua. Thanks everyone for the great day!
Excellent reports, great speakers! See you!
@lisachenkoIt was great meeting you guys again. Keep the #sfcampua spirit lives on! @pilouanic @torchello @tigordev @webmozart @antonioperic
@madmisDear friends! We are pleased to invite you to the annual Symfony Camp UA 2017 #sfcampua Registration is open http://2017.symfonycamp.org.ua
@symfonycampuaSymfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. The primary conference theme is the Symfony framework.
The conference is targeted at both professional web developers and beginners, as well as heads of Internet projects, web studios which are already using or are only planning to use Symfony framework. The main aim of the conference consists the exchange of experience, communication, and new contacts.
We’re looking for sponsors and partners who could support the conference. This would help us to hold the conference at a high level and make participation possible for the wide audience.